- H: 58 mm L: 38,5 mm
Small writing table
Transition period
Musical pattern marquetry on the top outlined with kingwood frieze.
Lower shelf with floral decoration.
Each side is inlaid.
#53 - H: 84 mm P: 45
mm L: 73 mm
Small roll top desk
Louis the XVth
Rich floral marquetry decoration on each side from a model by Jean
François Oeben ( Circa 1760 )
#54 - H: 70 mm L: 35 mm P: 52 mm
Pear-shaped "rafraichissoir"
Louis the XVth
The upper part is a lid which can be put aside and reveal a marble
shelf for plates and three cases for cutlery and a refreshed bottles.
Kingwood inlays outlined with gilt bronzes.
#52 - H : 70 mm L : 85 mm P : 45 mm
Italian commode
Decorated with a "vernis Martin ". Chinoiseries paintings
on a yellow ground.Marble top.

H: 74 mm L: 200 mm l : 100 mm
Dining table with marquetry
Private commission from an American pedestal gueridon.
New York - XIXth C.